Hatrick reflections, pt. 2

Loudoun County School Superintendent Edgar B. Hatrick III is retiring after 47½ years with Loudoun County public schools. He has been superintendent since 1991.

Hatrick recently met with The Washington Post to talk about his career. In this second of a two-part Q&A, he discusses his views on public education.

Washington Post, June 23, 2014

Taxpayers paying for Silver Line?

Loudoun might have to dip into the county’s general fund to help pay for the extension of Metrorail’s Silver Line into the county, and that possibility raised the eyebrows of at least one supervisor at a Board of Supervisors meeting.

Washington Post, June 9, 2014

Deal valued at $1.4 million

Loudoun County’s controversial eight-year, $2 million marketing agreement with Washington’s NFL team was worth $1.4 million in marketing value last year, according to a report from the county’s Department of Economic Development.

Washington Post, April 30, 2014

Supervisors defend deal again

Is Loudoun County’s marketing agreement with Washington’s NFL team helping attract businesses to the county? That’s the question a growing number of critics are asking about the controversial agreement.

Washington Post, March 31, 2014

Supervisors defend deal

Members of the Board of Supervisors defended Loudoun County’s controversial marketing agreement with Washington’s NFL team during a budget work session Thursday, calling it a valuable economic development tool for the county but not saying how it promotes tourism.

Washington Post, March 15, 2014

The Post’s Tom Jackman comments on the issue here.

Marketing agreement criticized

Buried 784 pages deep in Loudoun’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2015 is a $500,000 expenditure that has caused grumbling in the county’s rural business community. The expenditure represents Loudoun’s payment to the Washington NFL football team as part of an unusual eight-year marketing partnership.

February 26, 2014

The Post’s Tom Jackman weighs in on the story here.