Education Center at landfill


Prince William County officials last week unveiled plans for a STEM Education Center at the county’s sanitary landfill on Dumfries Road near Independent Hill.

Billed as an interpretative education center for science, technology, engineering and math, the facility would be used to teach students and the public about environmental issues and challenges.

Washington Post, February 1, 2015

County IT system upgrade is 65% over budget

More than four years after Loudoun County embarked on a major upgrade of its aging financial management systems, the price tag for the overhaul has swelled by about 65 percent more than the amount initially budgeted for the project.

The Post’s Tom Jackman also comments on the story.

Washington Post, December 16, 2013

Hooking kids on robotics


The two busloads of seventh- and eighth-graders from Sterling who arrived at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Bethesda were on a mission. They had come to test the underwater robots they built and to see which teams could maneuver their robots most effectively in a simulated oil-spill scenario.

The students were participants in a Naval research program to interest children in science and technology.

Washington Post, May 22, 2013