For young families yearning to own, Fairfax’s London Towne beckons

When Anita Ramos was growing up near Falls Church in the 1960s, her father would occasionally drive into the country to watch the construction of London Towne, a community of 665 townhouses west of Centreville in Fairfax County.

“My relatives would ask, ‘Why are people building rowhouses out in the middle of nowhere?’ ” Ramos said.

The answer became evident by 1985…

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The Washington Post, Aug. 5, 2020

Fairfax schools join green alliance

Rory Witter, a first grader at Daniels Run Elementary, places a birdseed cake in a tree.

Fairfax County Public Schools — already recognized nationally for its commitment to environmental education — has united with some of the largest school districts in the country to support environmental sustainability.

Joining the Green Schools Alliance District Collaborative with New York City, Chicago and other large school districts will help Fairfax obtain favorable prices for materials that advance conservation and environmental sustainability, school officials said. The group will also share ideas, attempt to influence policy and promote environmental education.

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Washington Post, February 17, 2016