Taxpayers paying for Silver Line?

Loudoun might have to dip into the county’s general fund to help pay for the extension of Metrorail’s Silver Line into the county, and that possibility raised the eyebrows of at least one supervisor at a Board of Supervisors meeting.

Washington Post, June 9, 2014

Loudoun’s real housewives

They deliver meals to new mothers. They arrange play dates for their children. They exchange tips on cooking and child care, and share recommendations on plumbers, painters and pet sitters. They promote their businesses. And they meet up for the occasional moms’ night out.

Best of all, they do it all without drama.

They are the Real Housewives of Loudoun County.

Washington Post, May 27, 2014

Deal valued at $1.4 million

Loudoun County’s controversial eight-year, $2 million marketing agreement with Washington’s NFL team was worth $1.4 million in marketing value last year, according to a report from the county’s Department of Economic Development.

Washington Post, April 30, 2014